Veditum's documentary Moving Upstream: Ganga from a 3000km walk along the river is now available to watch in India

Hello fellow grove members,

:sparkles::drum: I’m super excited to finally make available our documentary Moving Upstream: Ganga from my 3000km walk along the Ganga from Veditum’s Moving Upstream project. We’re live now!

Head to this link for tickets: Documentary: Moving Upstream: Ganga - Veditum India Foundation and watch it today! Tell me what you think :smile:

The payment gateway can currently accept only Indian payment methods, and we’re figuring out how to make it available for others as well. A big thanks to everyone who has made this project and film possible!

See announcement poster below


Congrats @sidagarwal - :clap: :clapper: Look forward to watching this on some streaming platform! :slight_smile:

@Suman_Jile head to this link - Documentary: Moving Upstream: Ganga - Veditum India Foundation - and watch it today. Its available now :slight_smile:

Apologies, thanks, I will watch it!

That’s alright @Suman_Jile. Looking forward to your thoughts once you’ve watched it! :slight_smile: