South India Data Sprint · 26th October, 11am-5pm IST | India Sand Watch

:sparkles: Hi folks, ​Veditum India Foundation & India Sand Watch, are hosting an in-person data sprint in Bengaluru with our venue partner Samagata Foundation.

Event poster

:man_running:t4: ​The data sprint is focused on Rivers of South India, through which the participants will get acquainted with sand mining on the Rivers in South India, look for news, reports, information and observations on sand mining.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: ​The data will get uploaded as news reports, court documents, case reports and compiled into a database in near real-time during the sprint.

​The outcome of the sprint will be a systematic, structured compilation of the uploaded data on sand mining on rivers in South India, which will serve as a great resource for everyone involved with the issue.

:link: Register here: ISW South India Data Sprint · Luma
:spiral_calendar: 11am - 5pm, Saturday, 26th October
:round_pushpin: Samagata Foundation

  • Participants need to bring their own laptops for the program
  • No specific expertise is required

​You can checkout the report from our previous sprints at this link

Learn more about India Sand Watch here: