Rewilding Retreat July 2024: Monthly gatherings at Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary

Monsoon Greetings to the Rainmatter Community,

This is an annoucement for the upcoming July 18-21 Rewilding Retreat at Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary. Thanks to support from Rainmatter Foundation, we are able to do things we really believe in, which includes nurturing community in an immersive wild context. Our previous retreats this year have been invaluable exchanges with a wide range of individuals from different backgrounds. We hope to co-create a sense of dialogue with participants about the state of the planet and human kind, within the wild and fecund landbase at GBS. There are still a few spots available for the next weekend. Heavy rains are predicted, so be prepared for a very wet leechfilled retreat. If you’re interested please check out the poster images below and get in touch with the email id provided in the last one.

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