Join Us In Building An Open Social Protection Platform

Vulnerability is a complex problem that stems from a lack of common understanding of the multi-faceted factors that make households vulnerable. This has led to a situation where, despite many social protection interventions, reducing vulnerability has not kept pace with the growing vulnerable populations.

We seek to address these gaps through our social security simulation platform E-QLT. Through the platform, various stakeholders like government, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Self Help Groups (SHGs) can see how vulnerable their target audiences are, test interventions, simulate shocks, and plan for resilience.

We are looking for civil society organisations working with vulnerable populations to be a part of the scoping workshop. Through this workshop, we would like to understand the aspects of working in vulnerability and resilience and how it transforms into advocacy.

With this collective information, we wish to build E-QLT so that organisations can use these data sets for their advocacy initiatives.

As part of this endeavour, we wish to build a tool robust enough to handle the needs of different types of stakeholders as well as have the capacity to digest varying datasets to produce relevant outputs.

Registration link Microsoft Forms

#Socialprotection #SocialImpact #Vulnerability #EQLT #EmpoweringCommunities #TechForGood #FinancialInclusion #TechnologySolutions #Innovation