ClimateRISE Alliance organised a convening on communications for climate change in India along with key civil society organisations and media professionals

Building India’s Climate Story.pdf (1.1 MB)
With the aim to stimulate ecosystem- level dialogue on intersectional climate action, ClimateRISE Alliance brought together around 50 participants from grassroots organizations, media and communications professionals and creative content curators to explore innovative ways of communicating climate change. This collaborative effort aimed to ensure that the voices of the many could be heard, understood, and acted upon.
Through anecdotes on reporting on lives of marginalized communities, to understanding the intersection of food and climate, to looking at innovative ways like slam poetry, documentary, comic style storytelling in regional languages, the conversation touched upon some valuable insights.
For instance - how collaboration, jargon-free language, human-centric storytelling, contextualized & solution-oriented approaches can effectively shape India’s climate story. All the participants shared that they’ll be leaving the space armed with some of the golden rules they had collectively unraveled during the event:
• Ask questions
• Tell human stories
• Use data wisely
• Above all, speak languages that reach every corner of India.