The Good Gift, Making gifting conscious

We used to be typical urbanites in the corporate world, Bengaluru being our last lived city. We as a family went through a transformational journey across the past decade. It all started with simply awareness and then deepened with reflections and practice. It took us from typical urban material living through minimalism, unschooling and finally off-the-grid living when we decided to quit our jobs and move to the mountains.

Watch this for a sneak peak into our transformation journey -

While we lived this off-the-grid life, we were in bliss but we could see that the community around us wasn’t… although we were living under the same circumstances. This was for a number of reasons. A major one being - lack of stable livelihood. What started as a “let’s do what we can” effort in 2019 is now building an ecosystem here in the Nilgiris to address equity (both gender and community) using craft and commerce as means.

We started to upskill and enable women from rural & indigenous communities to become first generation artisans and with a timely intervention by, we are now building as a market linking arm of this ecosystem. is our efforts towards making gifting conscious. We are open to b2b and/or custom collaborations.


All good for you both - having understandingly lived both the lives (Urban & Rural). You did not tell about Aarav … development and life.

Aarav’s story is really for him to tell @Sadana … He is almost 16 now and he has started documenting so he’ll start sharing soon. And, this video wasn’t soo much about his journey… it was more about our journey so we haven’t spoken much about him. His journey will need a separate video by itself and best told by him rather than us.

But, if you have a more specific question, I can make an attempt to answer. Also, maybe not so relevant in this forum so you could alternatively drop me a note on [email protected] and I can write back.

Hi Suhas,

Very inspiring journey. Though would have been tough transition but definetly satisfying and enriching. And at some point or other each of us do think and plan to pick the journey you took but hold them back because of the comfort zone. I am definely sure you as a family have overcome the same. And on the hindside I too have the similar plans to embark on the similar journey and stories like these will boost some confidence :slight_smile: in us.
All the best.


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