
The Hindu Kush Himalaya is home to the world’s highest peaks and contains the largest volume of ice on earth after the polar regions. However, despite servicing a quarter of the world’s population, the impacts of climate change on the region are under-documented.

With high mountains across the Hindu Kush Himalaya warming at double the global rate, scientists warn that the 1.5 degrees of warming we are predicted to pass in the next five years puts this crucial biome in jeopardy.

2 billion people, including millions facing chronic hunger, rely on glacier and snow-melt from these mountains to drink and to cultivate crops. Countless lifeforms depend on these landscapes for their habitat.

ICIMOD, the leading institute dedicated to mountain communities and the environment, is calling on everyone who cares about the region to highlight the impacts of climate change by sharing your stories and photographs from the mountains over the years.

From the top of the world, let’s make sure we’re heard. Sign the declaration :


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The glaciers’ disappearance/reduction to very low levels is one of the biggest threats to humanity as a whole. The adaptation needed in this context are staggeringly large, and complete blind spots in both policy and development agendas.

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I think because the mountains are far away from the centres of power and also the larger population, they haven’t figured as much in either policy or development agendas. They are largely remembered when it’s time for a vacation :slight_smile:.

I see this happening here in the Nilgiris too. We don’t have snow but, there’s irreparable damage that has been happening here too. The TN govt has recently announced a goal of a carbon neutral Nilgiris by 2030 :slight_smile: We know that’s impossible but, guess because the goal has been announced there will be celebrations in 2030 irrespective. A major lapse in policy.

Massive, honest intent and action needed to control the damage … by both policies and civil societies alike.