Regenerating Soil and Improving Yields through Precision-Ag

At Fambo, we are working with a vision of creating scalable precision technologies for Indian agriculture.

Most Indian farms are over-fertilised, resource-inefficient, rapidly losing soil health, and seeing dropping yields. At the same time, we’re facing severely depleting water tables.

Precision nutrition is the single major solution to yield improvement, resource efficiency, and consequent improvement in farmer incomes.

However, for most farmers today in India, these solutions remain unaffordable.

By using our expertise in tech and design (our core technology team was building advanced robots which run on 5G and deploying these globally before this), we are reimagining the entire space of precision agriculture starting with nutrition. And all of this is being achieved at one-fourth the cost of the solutions available in the market today.

India is undergoing a soil crisis, a water crisis, and a yield crisis all at once. The answer lies in intelligent and affordable technologies. And that’s what we’re doing here at Fambo.

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Hi @mukul_fambo, Thanks for sharing, Loved the problem statement! However, we have Marginal Land holding problem - 95% of land holdings are under an acre.

Can you talk more about the solution so we all could learn a bit more? Please highlight that in terms of intelligence and affordability. :slight_smile: