Program Report Jagriti G20 Startup 20 Yatra 2023

  1. Overall updates (since the last update)
    Jagriti is happy to inform all the stake holders about the successful completion of the program Jagriti G20 Startup 20 program
    Totally we had 495 participants including 61 international participants detail report is being additional shard which summarises the program.

  2. Progress on the goals listed while on-boarding
    The objective of collaboration was to ensure sustainability in the practices to be followed in environment and livelihoods.
    A small attempt was made towards sensitising the participants on Green initiatives with focus on Green Yatra.

  3. Any challenges
    There were some challenges expected due to the diversity of the participants specially the international delegates who were participating in the experiential program for the first time. We had orientation and acclimatisation session conducted to mitigate this. We did see some dropouts during the program around 20 who could not take the logistic hardship but rest all went and completed the program.

  4. Any new avenues of collaboration (with other Grantees of RCF or other NPO/NGO)
    Not yet.

  5. Highlights from the initiatives being undertaken as part of your organization

This time Jagriti Yatra collaborated with Niti Aayog and Startup 20 and came up with a G20 Yatra where the key focus was on inclusive entrepreneurship.

Few highlights are captured in the event report being enclosed.

  1. Outcomes you are chasing for the next 6 months (these can remain the same if unchanged since the last update)
    Motivating the youth of the country specially those residing in T2 and T3 districts to take enterprise led development. Uptill now 8000 participants have been exosed and 28% have become entrepreneurs.

  2. KPIs (please use this section to let us know of the impact and reach of your work since the last update)

  1. 86% of the participants found the Yatra very impactful and effective on their personal and professional goals.
  2. 85% of the participants found their cohorts and other participants very diverse and felt that Yatra provided very good platform for networking and understanding of various sustainable social business models and the startup ecosystem.
  1. Can Rainmatter be of help with anything at all

We would look forward to your guidance and better understanding on how Jagriti Yatra can integrate the principles of sustainability in the their experiential format.

  1. Any additional details you would like to provide

  2. Please also share any images or videos that you have documented as part of your work

_Event Report Jagriti G20 Startup 20 Yatra 2023 - Rain matter foundation.pdf (10.0 MB)