Practitioners Connect @ ACM COMPASS 2024

The ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS) is an international forum for the presentation and publication of original research that supports the growth of sustainable societies worldwide, from disciplines including computer and information sciences, social sciences, environmental sciences, and engineering.

ACM COMPASS 2024 is being held in New Delhi from July 8-11, and is featuring special sessions to foster an engagement between practitioners and academia. This is an ideal platform for startups, non-profits, social enterprises, and civil society organizations to collaborate, innovate, and drive impact.


How to get involved:
1.⁠ ⁠Join a RIC - Research to Impact Collaboratives (RICs) is a new initiative to create focused multi-stakeholder collaboratives that can work on a specific agenda to create impact at scale. Find details and contact info online for RICs related to the use of LLMs in health and governance, remote sensing for environmental monitoring, IoTs in agriculture and pollution sensing, community networks, and more. Write to the respective RIC leads to join hands.
2.⁠ ⁠Propose a demo or poster for a chance to showcase your innovation. The submission deadline is May 7th.
3.⁠ ⁠Deliver a lightning talk at the conference to pitch your ideas and find research collaborators. Submit about your work in the form here.

Looking forward to seeing many of you join the practitioners connect sessions!

Link for more info. (Practitioner Connect – COMPASS)

Please register your interest here link or reach out to [email protected] for any queries or info.