Our E-QLT in MIT Solve's Global Challenge Finals

:loudspeaker: Our tool, E-QLT: Assessing Vulnerabilities, Enhancing Social Protection, is a finalist in the prestigious MIT Solve 2023 Global Challenges! :earth_africa:

Vote for our solution to be endowed with a $2,000 community award and learn more about Solve’s Global Challenges: http://bit.ly/3CBiC20

E-QLT is an innovative tool that assesses vulnerabilities and strengthens social protection measures for households. By analyzing factors like demography, income, and access to social protection, E-QLT provides insights and strategies to enhance social inclusion.

With over 1.8 billion adults still unbanked or poorly served by existing financial products and services, MIT Solve sought out tech-based innovators working to increase financial and economic opportunities for everyone. If E-QLT is selected as one of the top six financial inclusion solutions, we’ll have an opportunity to attend the Solve Challenge Finals in New York City. We’ll meet other selected teams and network with social impact leaders from around the world to make a difference together!

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