Make your restoration/rewilding/conservation efforts more visible by uploading it on

Dear friends
Did you hear about Restor.Eco?

On World Environment Day, last Saturday, I attended the launch event of Restor.Eco, a new platform to showcase ecological restoration work happening all over the planet. This platform is like a Google Map for all restoration sites that allow you to view the impact of restoration work including soil carbon sequestered, green cover/canopy. In fact, you can see the time lapse video of the impact over the last 10 years.

This is a great platform for folks working in restoration, afforestation, plantation projects to showcase their work and the project impact using high resolution satellite imagery. It has been built by Zurich Based Crowther Labs and Google development team.

Try logging on to and experience it first hand.

You can view the recording of the launch event here in the video below.