Kal, Aaj aur Kal I Cultivating Successors in the Social Sector

Social Impact Organizations often embrace ambitious, intergenerational missions that span decades. In that context, cultivating successors isn’t just important; it’s a continuous necessity, far more regular and vital than in the for-profit sector.

Here is the entire video recording filled with insights and anecdotes about leadership transition at Fields of View, now available on the Indian School of Development Management (ISDM) channel. Hear from our co-founder Bharath Palavalli, who gracefully transitioned out of the organization, and our visionary Chief Visioning Officer Trina Talukdar, who stepped into the leadership role.

They delve deep into the transition process, emphasizing that it’s not just an event but a systemic process. They explore how the Fields of View’s mission evolved in this new phase, adapting to the demands of scaling tools for larger demographics and navigating the discomfort of change. It’s about reevaluating the definition of success during succession!

Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/U8bOixFEOkM?si=0cw3qrtkXbFV7JBz

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