Journey of plant proteins, our innovation and its scope


  • 15 years ago, only few plant proteins were available such as soy protein isolate, wheat protein (gluten), maize protein.
  • Today we have plant proteins from yellow peas, chick pea, mung beans because of rise in plant based alternative meat and dairy industry and also the increase in demand for plant-based diet.
  • 99% of the commercial plant proteins or whey protein available today are produced using number of chemicals.
  • There is no availability of 100% chemical free, clean label, highly functional plan proteins
  • Even though, India has more than 65000 varieties of pulses and legume, country import all plant-based proteins

Plant proteins uses:

  • Similar to whey protein, plan proteins are also used as nutrition supplement, and to produce protein rich food products
  • Also, proteins which are functional (which is similar to properties of egg white ) can be used in eggless baking products and also to develop plant based egg , plant based milk and meat alternatives
  • They are also used in skin and hair care products to provide nourishment

Our innovation:

Traditional method of protein extraction uses harmful solvents, acids and alkali to produce proteins.

Devigere Biosolutions Pvt Ltd invented new protein extraction technology without using any harmful chemicals and able to get highest quality of protein equal egg white from Indian pulses such as Black-eyed pea pulse and Mung beans pulse.

We produce one of the most premium and functional proteins in the world.


Indian pulses grow abundantly in dry areas without the need of much water, fertilizer. The immediate rise in plant-based food consumption has created the need of diverse plant proteins to create new products.

India can become the hub of high-quality plant protein manufacturer instead of pulse commodity seller.

I believe continuous innovation is the key in any area to unlock its potential and to create great products.


Hi @SmithaDP, Thanks for sharing with our community!

I am a big fan of plant-based proteins because according to my math, the net is super +ve for all the stakeholders including Farmers and nature.

I have a few questions/clarifications

  1. Can you use all the composition of harmful molecules (solvents, acids, and alkali) that are being used and how are you fixing it? The exact chemical reaction/composition would be helpful
  2. Can you also explain the chemical composition (please use the exact molecules if possible) before and after the conversion of your process - step by step (You can avoid proprietary information)

leguminous food crops - pulses, Lentils, Peas, Broad beans, Chickpeas, Soybeans, Beans, Peanuts etc - are being used for various plant-based proteins and you are using Pulses which are again net +ve for farmers along with all the points that you mentioned.

Your website has no information about pricing.

  1. Cost comparison with traditional proteins
  2. At what scale the price of Plant based proteins can be equal to or less than traditional proteins

Hello @Suman_Jile ,
Please find the answers

  1. we have invented method of extraction where we just water, to obtain very high quality proteins than the traditional ones.
  1. During chemical extraction proteins denatures and it looses its quality , where as in our process it is maintained .( step by step cant be explained as it is proprietary)

wrt to cost we are in line with the cost of other pulse proteins .

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Thanks @SmithaDP for sharing here. This topic is quite close to our heart. We are supporting a bunch of startups through Rainmatter Health that are helping Indians make healthier choices.

Had a couple of questions about Plant proteins.

  1. The amino acid profile is incomplete (doesn’t contain all the 9 essential amino acids) is what many research studies state. This is as compared to animal protein. What is your take on this?

  2. Can you help compare the costs of this vs Whey? Higher by 20 to 30%?

  3. Plant protein gives me bloating, I have the same problem with Caesin. Plant protein reviews seem to suggest that many have this problem. Is there a reason for this and how are you addressing this? Or this is like folks who are lactose intolerant and there is nothing much you can do?

  4. There are a bunch of use cases on your website, sports nutrition, plant-based meat-milk-egg, cosmeceutical, etc. What is your primary go to market here? Sports nutrition? If it is, isn’t it hard to break into that market in the Indian context especially where the target market itself is quite tiny? Estimates put the entire protein market between Rs 3000 to Rs 5000 crores in India.

  5. How do we get to try your product? :slight_smile:

@Sagar_Gudekote we should get the Rainmatter Health team to get on a call with Smitha

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Hello @NithinKamath ,
Glad to connect with you through grove!!

Please find answers to the questions

  1. Amino acid profile :
  • Even most plant proteins contains all essential amino acids but differ in ratios ,combination of pulses and grains balances the ratio in our diet.

  • Most plant proteins are easy to digest when we compare with animal based proteins ( which are called lean proteins)

  • In most of the scientific articles plant proteins means it is mainly soy protein or wheat protein.
    recently it is also covering other plant proteins such as peas, mung beans, chick pea etc.

  • With animal farming most animal proteins also comes with high traces of antibiotics and preservatives

  1. Cost comparison with Whey protein:
    Whey protein cost varies between 900 to 1200 Rs/ kg for B2B sales based on manufacturer and country of origin , Our proteins are also in line with the whey cost

  2. Casein is slow digesting protein compared to whey and high quantity consumption causes bloating. even many plant proteins have same problem . That is the reason why many brands have extra added enzymes to digest proteins
    We have Mung bean protein concentrate which is more easily digestible

  3. Our first focus is Plant based egg milk and meat market which is growing rapidly and there is a need of functional proteins globally ( texture mimics like a egg, milk and meat).
    It is export oriented product .
    Our Black eyed pea protein creates texture similar egg upon cooking and baking.
    Major players in plant based category are Roquette , DSM , Cargill, Kerry .

  4. We would love to host you at our lab at Bangalore bioinnovation centre, to show the difference between our proteins , other plant proteins and also to try our products:)
    we can also send our products to you.

Thank you


Thanks :slight_smile:

@Sagar_Gudekote can you speak to @SmithaDP


Yep we are in touch with Smitha since few weeks now.
Setting up a call with the larger team soon :+1:t2:

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Hi @SmithaDP ,
I’m Bhaskar founder of plant based Protein startup Plantelo. We are from Andhra Pradesh, India.
We are cultivating Azolla and Duckweed for protein.
Did your technology help us to extract protein from Duckweed?
How much is the cost to set up plant?
Or Do you provide 3rd party extraction?

Hello Bhaskar ,
Sorry for the late response.
Yes, I can help you in the technology and understand your requirements .
Please write me to [email protected]

Thank you

I find your innovation particularly intriguing. It’s reassuring to know that there are companies like yours committed to delivering clean label, chemical-free alternatives. I’m eager to explore the possibilities your protein offers, especially in terms of functional applications like eggless baking and plant-based dairy and meat alternatives.I’ve recently delved into experimenting with different ingredients in my cooking. One such discovery has been powdered whole milk, which has proven to be quite versatile and convenient in various recipes. It’s great to have options like these that enhance both the nutritional value and taste of our meals.

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