Energy Cycling, Integrated Farming and an ALT dairy model

In this episode of Farmizen On The Road, we explore an inspiring integrated farming model that harnesses the sun’s energy to run a completely self-sustained, closed-loop system. A perfect example of the principle of energy cycling in permaculture, at multiple levels.

At this farm, bulls grind oilseeds to produce cold-pressed oil, while the leftover oil cake is used to feed the cows. These cows, in turn, provide high-quality milk, which is transformed into products like curd and cheese. The heat required for these processes comes from a biogas plant fuelled by cow dung.

They also grow sugarcane, using the juice to make jaggery and burning the bagasse in the jaggery-making process. Even the sugarcane’s green leaves are fed to the cows, and additional fodder is grown onsite.

Of course, the dung and urine from the cows is used to grow the crops, which in turn feed the cows or provides inputs for making jaggery !

The entire farm operates on energy from the sun, captured through the photosynthesis of sugarcane crops.

The dairy model, in addition to the cows at the centre, includes smallholder or landless farmers with 1-2 animals, which they take with them during their farm labour for free grazing. And early in the morning at 4 am and late in the evening, the farmers bring their cows to the milking and testing and chilling station at their village.
They provide the oilcakes from their operations to these farmers at a low cost along with vet support

We loved this combination of decentralization and the ability to work with even farmers with just 1 animal, AND maintaining a controlled supply chain by having the cows brought to the centre everyday. A network of such centres can be created across villages, with the bottling at one place, but chilling and testing in these individual centres.

Join us as we uncover how this farm has mastered energy efficiency and sustainability !

Of course, they sell their products on Farmizen Bangalore.