Dakshin Foundation | Updates

Hi everyone!

Here’s a little info about Dakshin Foundation -

Dakshin Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation. Our mission is to inform and advocate conservation and natural resource management, while promoting and supporting sustainable livelihoods, social development and environmental justice. We adopt interdisciplinary approaches in our research and conservation interventions, drawing from the fields of ecology, conservation biology, sociology, economics, and law. Our work aims at building community capacity for conservation and enhancing community engagement in environmental decision-making. Our goal is to promote ecologically and socially appropriate approaches to conservation and management in coastal and marine ecosystems in India.

Rainmatter Foundation is helping us with our flagship initiative, SeaChange, which is an integrated pathway that aims to secure healthy ecosystems and thriving communities by unlocking local potential, building bridges and strengthening agency. SeaChange is emphatically intersectoral, addressing themes such as coastal livelihoods, resource governance and community health, and innovative in using a range of approaches to engage with different stakeholders in the community, across gender and age. It acknowledges the nuances of place and culture, but is simultaneously designed to scale across the coast of India.

You can read short descriptions of our programmes in this poster.

As for our first update, we’d like to share our latest Biennial Report, covering the period from 2020 to 2022. The report covers the key highlights from this period, and also gives an overview of the work being carried out by us in various geographies across the coasts and islands of India. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the report!

We’ll be sharing more updates soon, so stay tuned!


Welcome to Grove, Marianne!


Dakshin has been supported by Rainmatter Foundation, Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies and more recently by LGT-VP to develop and implement our SeaChange approach. As mentioned in our first post, SeaChange is our dedicated response towards achieving intersectoral impacts for coastal India. Supported from the very beginning by Rainmatter, SeaChange aims to achieve dual long-term goals of healthy coastal and marine ecosystems and thriving fishing communities.

The diagram below captures the mechanics of this process and highlights the actors, processes and sectors that we wish to prioritise in this systems-based approach to change.

Last year we refined SeaChange’s operational model to cover three sites - Odisha, the Andaman Islands and Tamil Nadu. We are delighted to share with you some key updates from our on-ground work.

1. Odisha (Ganjam district)

In the Ganjam district of Odisha, the training of youth groups, community volunteers and the building of the agency of the village institutions has been our central focus across 11 important marine fishing villages. In these villages, our 13 community catalysts along with other village institutions such as youth groups, ward members, primary schools and private tuition groups began their engagement across various thematic entry points. Using ‘waste’ as a starting point, Dakshin’s facilitated the above-mentioned groups to make small steps towards local action - participating in clean-up and waste segregation drives, as a critical conversation starter on the broader subject of solid waste and waste more generally. Since then, village institutions have independently initiated periodic cleanup drives, with the local schools in the region also incorporating clean-up drives in their mandatory weekly activities.

On the fisheries front, regular discussions and plans to address fisheries decline and livelihood were held with village institutions towards management actions for sustainable fisheries. One of the estuarine fishing villages decided to ban the use of “zero nets” in the village, used to catch the fry of fish, sold to aquaculture hatcheries. The village committee further plans to inform other estuarine fishers across the district to either ban or regulate the use of such nets. The district fisheries union of Ganjam has recently decided to increase the mesh size of purse seines nets that used to catch juvenile fish due to their small mesh size. To monitor the outcomes of such local restrictions, we are working with community representatives to develop a more formalised and recognised participatory fisheries monitoring mechanism. We organised a district level multi-stakeholder consultation on fisheries management and will move towards implementing follow-up actions in the next quarter.

By strengthening village institutions’ agency and harnessing community volunteers, we have been able to further livelihood and health service-related-entitlements of small scale fishers in Ganjam. Our collective interventions on this front have significantly helped fishers access public health services. For instance, in multiple fishing villages, community catalysts working with Dakshin’s SeaChange teams have been liaising with the Community Health Workers (CHWs) like AWWs, ASHA workers and Community Health Officers (CHOs) to accurately fill Community Based Assessment Checklist (CBAC) forms which channel screenings and referrals for Non-Communicable Diseases. Phased community screenings of NCDs are currently being done every week in the nearest public health facility of these villages. 969 community members have been screened thus far.

2. Andaman and Nicobar Islands (South Andaman district)

In the South Andaman district of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, we work in the 8 wards of Wandoor Gram Panchayat and 2 municipal wards of Port Blair city where the Junglighat fishing community resides. We have focused primarily on four themes i.e governance, fisheries, sanitation and health. Our interventions were centred around strengthening community institutions and building capacities of leaders to carry out work on fisheries sustainability and wellbeing of the community.

During this period we worked closely with 15 leaders, including the elected members of Wandoor Gram Panchayat and representatives of Junglighat Boat Committee. In Wandoor, we engaged with the panchayat for improved Gram Panchayat Development Planning (GPDP) actions. We were a part of the Gram Panchayat Planning & Facilitation team, through which we were able to integrate interventions under all of the above-mentioned themes incorporating required interventions in the GPDP. Our work on Solid Waste Management (SWM) engages diverse state and non-state stakeholders towards streamlined waste management practices and promotes coordination and monitoring among them. With our help, the SWM system has been expanded to cover an additional 100 households and the segregation practices in the existing 250 households have shown improvement. Additionally, a large number of community members in Wandoor are now sensitised on key issues on SWM increasing public accountability of the Panchayat to provide adequate services.

Our engagement on adolescent health focused on both improving health practices and on empowering adolescent girls to take informed actions on sustainable menstrual products - itself a large contributor to the challenge of poor waste management. We reached over 150 individuals on preventive health aspects, including health workers, adolescent girls and adults and elderly on non-communicable disease screening and prevention.

For improved fisher wellbeing and fisheries sustainability in the region, we are presently collectivising and building the capacity of fishermen. In addition to documenting fishing practices, trade and institutions in both the sites, with the Junglighat fishers, we have mapped the fishing grounds which are seasonally used by different categories of fishermen. In order to initiate fisheries co-management and co-monitoring, we co-created a logbook for fishers to enter fish catch and fishing effort. The book is currently being tested with an initial set of boats in Junglighat before onboarding the rest of the community. Around 90 fishers (including leaders) were also part of an awareness session on state policies and fisheries entitlements, towards a longer term effort to improve fisher access to government schemes and subsidies.

3. Tamil Nadu (Ramanathapuram district)

The district of Ramanathapuram forms the next focal area for SeaChange as a site this year. In the last 6 months, we have focused on three themes - marine plastics, livelihoods and developing leadership and awareness around the commons among women from fishing communities.

The Ramnad site also focused on building collaborations with the district administration and supporting their convergence related initiatives. Dakshin conceptualised a coast-focused convergence unit (termed Neithal Convergence Unit) and has now signed an MoU with the District Collector, Ramanathapuram to set up the Neithal Convergence Unit (NCU). The convergence unit, set up in the District Collector’s office, would act as a knowledge, coordination and planning platform for sustainable development of coastal communities in Ramanathapuram. The unit will act as an interface between fishers, fish collectives, coastal NGOs, the private sector and the district administration. In the coming year, it aims to strengthen the capacities of stakeholders through content development and training tools, developing participatory approaches for coastal and fisheries governance by engaging village-level committees and facilitating accountability in the delivery of various welfare and governance measures.

Additionally, Dakshin Foundation in partnership with Accenture Global has also put together a digital dashboard providing information on socio-economic indicators of marine-fishing villages, GIS-based imagery on marine plastic and shoreline changes for district-level planning at hamlet, panchayat, taluk and district levels. The integrated dashboard provides updated information on marine-fishing villages and can provide district administrators with transparent and easy to access data for better governance of coastal villages.

Other updates

This range of engagement converges in the field as part of our SeaChange framework for action. Additional layers to this work are added by our efforts under our Oceans Solutions banner and through our Oceans Applied Tech Lab. Ocean Solutions is our effort to enter and contribute to the emerging domain of blue carbon, blue growth and climate change towards creating an in-house interdisciplinary solutions-based service/facility. Dakshin’s aim here is to engage with emerging areas such as Blue Carbon to better channel such global efforts to positively impact small-scale fishers and these ecosystems and mitigate threats to their further disenfranchisement and displacement from these landscapes. The Oceans Applied Tech Lab is focussed on leveraging technologies such as GIS, AI modelling and a range of ICTs to analyse and scale our efforts.


SeaChange towards Healthy Ecosystems and Thriving Communities

With now over a decade of experience in the coastal and marine sustainability space, we at Dakshin collectively felt the need for a model which addresses complex coastal and marine sustainability issues through locally embedded, scalable, and holistic approaches. As introduced in the last post, SeaChange is our approach towards promoting sustainable development and empowering communities by integrating conservation, fisheries management, livelihoods, governance and health, and emphasising inter-sectoral models. Over the last 6 months, we have transitioned from a village-based needs assessment model to a more holistic, systems-thinking approach focussed on fostering healthy coastal and marine ecosystems and ensuring thriving fishing communities across larger geographical units such as landscapes. This has enabled us to implement intersectoral interventions across 3 critical sites, including the training and mentorship of a cadre of community catalysts in each location who drive on-ground efforts. These efforts will continue in a phased manner to show how integrated interventions can create sustainable and impactful change.

1.Andaman and Nicobar Islands (South Andaman district)

Our systems mapping exercise carried out for the South Andamans landscape validated the existing focus on improving solid waste management (SWM), sustainability of fisheries, governance and community health. In addition, through systems mapping, the issue of water scarcity emerged as a significant challenge for the landscape, requiring prioritised attention. Our SeaChange team focussed on increasing capacities for problem-solving among community members, leaders and elected representatives, and collective action between communities and government departments. For example, Druva, a community catalyst from the Junglighat fishing community led the installation of a water purifier for addressing immediate issues related to unavailability of drinking water in the biggest fish landing centre in ANI. While Dakshin was able to provide the modest capital needed for purchasing the purifier, Druva and community leaders negotiated with the Fisheries Department for dedicated space and free electricity for the unit. The Junglighat Boat Committee has accepted the responsibility of ensuring the upkeep and maintenance of the unit. While capital investment into collectively decided and approved ideas may be required, we are hopeful that the experience of coming together and problem solving will better equip the community to take similar initiative in other areas. The team has since held two discussions with fisheries stakeholders in two clusters (approx. 12 villages) as part of the process to collectively plan for improved fisheries management.

2.Tamil Nadu (Ramanathapuram district- Palk Bay)

Dakshin’s engagement in Palk Bay engages small-scale fishers on livelihoods, marine plastics and leadership building among women through our Coastal Grassroots Fellowship programme. The second cohort of our Coastal Grassroots Fellows recently completed their fellowship. These fellows have steered a range of activities to improve community action on waste management as well as the governance of coastal commons. Activities included ‘deep clean’ coastal walk-talks, and conscientisation clean-ups to build dialogue, concern and ideate future community action on waste and its poor governance. Fellows also carried out mapping of their villages’ coastal commons as well as areas degraded by plastic pollution. These maps were submitted to community leaders and institutions to begin discussions within the community on addressing these issues.

As we shared in a previous post, we signed an MoU with the District Collector’s office in Ramanathapuram to establish a Neithal Convergence Unit (NCU) at the DCs office. As many on this forum will be familiar, much time can elapse between the signing of an MoU and initiating on-ground work. We’re happy to share that the Ramnad NCU is finally staffed and has begun its efforts. We hope to have more exciting updates on this by the next time we post. If anyone on is keen on learning more and collaborating with us to further the NCU’s convergence objectives for the coast, please do reach out

3.Odisha (Ganjam district)

In Odisha, our team has been focussed on issues of fisheries management, fisher rights, and community health which drives much of the distress migration seen in this landscape. As in other sites, community catalysts steered many of the engagements in the last 6 months. For instance, in four of our field sites - Purnabandha, Nolia Nuagaon, Podampetta and Arjyapalli - village-level Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) screenings were organised by our community catalysts - Pratima, Nagamma, Gouri and Lalitha - in collaboration with government health personnel, such as Asha workers, Community Health Officers, and ANMs. A total of 214 individuals were screened in these four villages through their collective efforts. An AAA (Asha, ANM and Anganwadi worker) workshop was later conducted to generate a platform for discussion on issues faced by such personnel and how community catalysts can support them.

In conclusion, SeaChange, through its systems-thinking approach, is a long term effort to show how interconnected and holistic efforts can create sustainable and impactful change. By engaging diverse stakeholders and focusing on the inter-relationships between various issues, we intend to make significant strides in positively impacting India’s coastal-marine systems. Our commitment to a systems-thinking model, moving beyond individual villages to a broader landscape level, is the first step in the direction to ensure that our interventions are comprehensive, sustainable, and deeply rooted in community engagement. Partnerships are a key component to successfully execute an ambitious idea like this. Over the next year, we are setting up a team to proactively build partnerships to engage on sectors and issues outside Dakshin’s traditional domains of expertise such as health, water and waste… In turn, we offer our knowledge, expertise and support on environmental sustainability and resource governance to other organisations who may see the need for such integration in their own landscapes and sites of work.


Join us this week in Bangalore!

We’re currently at the SCCS Conference at the JN Tata Auditorium, running from October 21st to 24th, where we’re exploring exciting topics in conservation science, including ecology, environmental science, resource management, geography, economics, and the social sciences. Drop by our stall at the Who’s Who event area if you are in the neighbourhood!

Up next, don’t miss the National Mental Health Festival - Mannotsava at NIMHANS Convention Centre on October 26th and 27th, where we’ll be hosting a workshop on how reconnecting with nature can help cultivate inner balance and resilience in today’s world of growing ecological challenges. Drop by our stall if you are attending the event.

We’d love to catch up if any of you are attending either!

Community maps are making waves across coastal India. Poor legal recognition of small-scale fishers’ customary rights to coastal and marine commons has spurred a grassroots mapping revolution, filling the void left by laws that govern India’s coast. After all, coasts are the lifeline of fishers—a place where they store boats and nets, dry fish, collect crabs and shells, or play a range of sports.

In the absence of any other legal recognition of rights given to fishers over coastal lands, they turn to the Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) maps. These maps are meant to be prepared at three levels—state, district, and village. In reality, only state and district CZMP maps are made. In the absence of detailed village-level maps, there is absolutely no way for fishers to identify if village commons such as the beachfront, fishing hamlets, and community centres have been accurately marked in state plans. Simply because of the scale at which district maps are prepared, fishers are often left searching in vain for their fishing villages on these maps.

In this article, Senior Programme Officer from our Communities and Resource Governance Programme, Nayana Udayashankar highlights how women in Tamil Nadu are now bringing new shared spaces to light and participating in local governance through an exercise in coastal commons mapping to help put absent villages on the map.

Click the link below to read the article!
Making their mark: Coastal women and community mapping

We’re excited to host movie screenings in collaboration with ALT EFF at a couple of our field station locations, including the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with screenings scheduled for 30th November, 3rd December, and 8th December 2024.

These screenings will showcase a vibrant mix of Indian and global films focused on transformative climate action. Using the power of cinema, the films aim to spark conversations and raise awareness about climate issues on a larger scale. Each screening will be followed by engaging discussions to encourage deeper reflection.

We’d love it if you could share this information with anyone you know who might be in the area. Check out our posters for the full schedule!

We’re excited to invite you to a fun and interactive session with Kartik Shanker and Vidisha Kulkarni at the Bangalore Literature Festival 2024!

As part of the Children | Literature | Fun series, this event is designed to delight young readers aged 4 and up. The session will feature an exploration of the marine ecosystems of Lakshadweep Island, inspired by the book “Moonlight in the Sea.” It will be followed by a short reading of the book.

Join us on December 15, 2024, at 12:30 PM at Hotel LaLiT Ashok, Bengaluru, for a session filled with stories, laughter, and creativity.

Feel free to share this with your circles—we’d love to see more young readers join in! Don’t miss out—click the link below to view the schedule and register today!

For over 16 years, we have worked closely with fisherfolk, navigating the complexities of marine ecosystems and communities. Fisheries in India are as diverse as they are vital, yet they face immense challenges—from dwindling resources to inequitable governance and climate change.

To share what we have learnt, our Machi Man, the virtual mascot of our Khane Ke Liye Bachao campaign, brings you 9 key insights from our on-ground work. These learnings hold the potential to shape a more sustainable and inclusive future for India’s fisheries and coasts.

Click the link below to dive into these learnings and join us in the spirit of #KhaneKeLiyeBachao!

9 lessons from 16 years of groundwork in fisheries – Dakshin Foundation