Nagaveni lives in Kenchanahalli village, Uttanoor panchayat,Mulbagal taluk. She has done her education till PUC. She is married and has two children. Currently she is working as a resource person(MBK in Sanjeevini Yojana) in Gram Panchayat. Her husband is working as a tempo Driver. She used to be at home before She attended Self Shakthi Training in July 2018. Also, she has actively participated in the Buzz Green meetings in recent days. After realizing her skills in the first module of Spoorthi training she took the initiative to meet with her village panchayat president and PDO and was selected as a resource person in the Sanjeevini project. Later she was selected as a green motivator and received 5 module training in Buzz Green. During 4th green training, she realized how important nature and the entire environment are to our life and planned to start a nursery in her town with the suggestions and help of Gelathi Facilitator As she works in Shree Shakti Sangha, she started a nursery by including 10 women from her home town who were interested in working. Later she borrowed Rs,75000 from the Shree shakti sangha and met the PDO of the panchayat to learn all the details to start the nursery. First, she understood what was in demand in that panchayat. Knowing that the demand for silk sticks has increased in Uttanoor Gram Panchayat, she met the MGNREGA vendor and provided all the necessary items for the nurseries such as side net, packing cover, fertilizer, red soil, mixing oil,
and silk sticks. After the shed got ready, she grew the sticks along with 5 women in the community. She planted 10000 silk sticks in 41 days with 5 female labourers and paid Rs.309 wages per day for each wage labourer. Nagaveni shared that it took 3 months for all these steps.