Veditum - Sand Mining Monitoring - Updates thread

Jumping in with a quick update:

:sparkles:We recently reached a new milestone with the India Sand Watch project.

:checkered_flag: We’ve been able to digitise over 1000 news reports - corresponding to 15000+ data points. And all of this data is accessible without the need to login anywhere! Data downloads to be available soon - and a long term plan is in the works for an API based access as well, so that this can feed into other databases.

We created a short report about this, here’s the cover page:

And here’s the report in pdf form:
ISW-1000Reports.pdf (1.3 MB)

You can checkout the news report related data on this link: India Sand Watch

We also did a Data Sprint recently, a record and report of which can be seen in this post on grove - River Chambal Data Sprint - 13th January - 12pm IST | India Sand Watch

:world_map: Join us as partners / contributors. We would love to explore how data from India Sand Watch can intersect with your work to push for incremental changes. Slide into my DMs or email me at [email protected]!