Local nature-based learning in Chennai's Corporation schools

Hello everyone, here’s a list of things that we did the last fortnight,

-Started the INIWIRMO (I notice, I wonder, it reminds me of) module in 2 GCC schools. We discussed the importance of learning through the act of keen observation and the children went out, observed insects around, described them and a few made links from our previous sessions.

-Frog calls session was done for 25 kids from Pudiyador. Given the onset of the NE monsoon, we hope this module will give the kids a new lens to percieve their local neighbourhoods.

-Continued work on the wasp booklet.

-Ideation of phylosphere and beetle modules

Hello everyone, here’s a list of things that we did the last fortnight,

-We did the INIWIRMO module in 2 other GCC schools and we also ideated and did an animal senses module in one GCC school. The animal senses module is to inspire children to try and understand how various living beings percieve the world differently, by which we hope to develop a deeper understanding/ appreciation for all the life around them.
-we did a public wasp walk talking about the various species of wasps around chennai, a highly antagonised, misunderstood speices, talking about their roles as pollinators and as bioligical pest control, identifying various speices and their varied life cycles.
-We did a tree walk for 30+ GCC teachers at IMSC, a guided tour of common species around chennai, how to identify them and stories around them. We later discussed ideas/ potential challenges on how to take this as a module back to their schools.
-Developed a Chennai built up area map over the decades to be used on the flood tour modules.
-Did a recce of Egmore museum and Childrens park guindy to ideate new modules/ material for children.
-Continued work on the wasp guidebook

Hello everyone, here’s a list of things that we did the last fortnight,

-We did the Animal senses module in 4 GCC schools.
-Online training for 12 naturalists from the ROAR organisation on conducting public nature walks, making it engaging and connecting with larger issues.
-We did a soil module for about 40 teachers from different GCC schools, talking about potential modules around soil they can use in their classes, challenges they might face and brainstormed new module ideas.
-Developed a new Bingo sheet for primary children sessions at Guindy Childrens park and ideation of new Geology activity sheet for sessions at the Egmore museum.
-Continued work on the wasp booklet and final corrections on the ant guide.
-Walk at Theosophical society for data for the wasp guide.

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Hello everyone, we have done the followig activities last fortnight,

  • Tree walk at Thiruninravur school for about 20 children
  • We conducted a walk to have a discussion on conducting nature walks and doing research to make new modules for the UWW interns.
  • Continued work on the wasp booklet.
  • Did an ant walk for about 15 people and shared our ant booklet.
  • Created a poster for the common ladybird beetles in Chennai
  • Conducted 4 Insect walks for children at the APU mountains of life festival for about 200 kids
  • Frog calls module and animal senses module was done in 2 GCC schools

Hello everyone, we have done the following activities over the last fortnight,

-Frog senses module was done in 5 GCC schools
-Did an ant walk for around 40 law students at SSN college and shared our ant guide with them.
-Continued work on the wasp booklet
-Worked with CCAG to make art to be displayed for the Ennore power plant public hearing scheduled on the 20th.

Hello everyone, we have done the following activities over the last fortnight,

  • Internal team training on wetland birds in the Kelambakkam area
  • Started collating the research and worked on the structure for the first draft of the wasp booklet
  • New module ideation on wetland birds
  • Pudiyaor session on frog calls and on our tamil wilderness cards at ramapur for about 20 children
  • Pudiyador session on migratory birds at Urur Alcott Kuppam for around 15 children
  • Species survey of the sand dunes at Thiruvidanthai and an analysis of the potential impact of the proposed heritage park was done

Hello everyone, we have done the following activities last fortnight,

  • we did a session on bird calls helping children get familiar with 10 local birds in 3 GCC schools.
  • conducted a wetland birds session for valley school children at vedanthangal
  • brainstormed a new module on leaf adaptations
  • continued work on the wasp booklet

Hello everyone, we have done the following activities last fortnight,

-module on leaf adaptations was completed and a bingo activity sheet was created for the same

-Bird calls module was completed in the other 3 GCC schools

-Our ecology based card game wilderness was taught to children from 2 GCC schools and we had a session playing it with them. At the end of the session they were handed a set of the tamil wilderness cards.

-Ant guide hardcopy was released and we did a walk at pachamalai for the same

-continued work on the wasp booklet

-shorewalk was conducted for 50+ people guiding them on how the beach can be not just a place of recreation. we helped give them a glimpse of the vast array of life forms it holds and how to identify them, they were given our coastal fauna guide at the end of it.

-Biodiversity Survey of Parandur where there is a new airport proposed

Hello everyone, we have done the following activities last fortnight,

-Our ecology based card game wilderness was taught to children in the rest of the 4 GCC schools and we had a session playing it with them. At the end of the session they were handed a set of the tamil wilderness cards.

-persistent effort and a lot of meetings over the last 3 weeks to get permission letter approved from the GCC to take the children on the vedanthangal field trip.

-vedanthaangal field trip for children from 3 GCC schools was done. The children were filled with wonder watching thousands of birds at close range observing their, courtship nesting and parenting behaviour.

-continued work on the wasp guide

-Meeting to brainstorm new modules and places to host nature walks around Chennai.

Hello everyone, we have done the following activities last fortnight,

  • Public ant walk at IMSC for about 20 people helping them use our ant guidebook and identify about 10 species of ants in the IMSC campus. An ant guide was given to all the participants. Our ant guide was also featured in the Hindu newspaper. Go on an ant walk in Chennai - The Hindu

  • Vedanthaangal field trip for children for the other 3 GCC schools was done. The children were filled with wonder watching thousands of birds at close range observing their, courtship nesting and parenting behaviour.

  • Continued work on the wasp guide

  • Bio diversity survey of parandur was done, where the new airport has been proposed.

  • Developed a new fish module at the Egmore museum

  • Advocacy work against the use of pesticide drones in Vedanthaangal speaking to government officials and media. We had reached out to Ms. Supriya Sahu, Chief Secretary Climate Change & Forests, and she had responded saying that she will take immediate action

Hello everyone, here’s a list of things that we did the last fortnight,

  • The endline survey was completed in all the GCC schools and our new ant guides were distributed to all the children.
  • We brainstormed a pollinator campaign for the month of April, that we hope will instill a deep love and appreciation for all the pollinators and wildflowers that we find all around the city.
  • The final edit of the wasp guide was done and the tamil translation was started.
  • We brainstormed a new module on fish adaptations in the nochikuppam fish market.
  • We did a recce of two lakes and a park, the siruseri lake and ottiyambakkam lake, and the Pallikaranai herbal garden to host new public walks