CIVIS Updates: A primer on participating in environmental and climate consultations


After months of hard work, I am delighted to share that our ‘CLIMATE VOICES’ handbook has finally been released.

The Climate Voices Handbook aims to increase citizen participation in environmental and climate law-making in India. We hope for it to be an essential tool that empowers citizens like you to engage with policymakers, contribute to the policymaking process, and drive sustainable change.

The launch of this handbook marks a significant milestone in our collective efforts to address the pressing environmental challenges facing our country.

We encourage you to share the Climate Voices Handbook with your friends, family, and colleagues. Your support can make a significant difference in creating a more sustainable future for all of us.

This handbook is available in English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi and Tamil. To download it on your phone via WhatsApp, click here.

You can also visit our website and read a copy online:

In the coming weeks, we will conduct extensive outreach to ensure this handbook reaches as many citizens as possible. We would be partnering with different individuals and organisations to talk about the many actionable ways for citizen to engage with governments in co-creating climate policies. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in learning more about the handbook and participate in such activities, please feel free to reach out to us on [email protected] or [email protected]


Climate Voices English.pdf (9.1 MB)
Climate Voices Tamil.pdf (9.2 MB)
Climate Voices Marathi.pdf (9.3 MB)
Climate Voices Kannada.pdf (9.3 MB)
Climate Voices Hindi.pdf (9.3 MB)