Alternatives to social platforms are crucial for climate action by the larger economy

Ways climate-positive, social platforms can also help mental well being:

  1. Finite scrolling: Set time limit for online social experiences. Your timeline will now be optimised to bring you the best content in set time (rather than being optimised for content that hooks you for as long as possible). Imagine social platforms that save you time as a result.

  2. Community based settings: Let your verified connections be part of your online social experience - to make recommendations, suggestions and voting on what matters to you before your final choice. Community has always been central to mental well being.

  1. Decentralised content moderation: If content moderation is decentralised to all community members without needing special roles and assisted by ML tools trained on data from greater participation can result in content moderation closer to people’s expectations in respective communities; rather than relying on one-size-fits-all content policy, ML tools that are trained on the few flagged posts (meta model) or potentially biased moderators (reddit model). This prevents any possibility of people working in inhumane work conditions for content moderation and enables content moderation at source resulting in healthier social content for all.
  1. Open wellness: Opt into mental wellness analytics as determined by your normal online social activity, based on openly researched mental wellness indicators. Existing platforms potentially profile your mental wellness and factor it into serving ads, without you even having access to it.

  2. Filter therapy: Opt in to gradually use/see less content with filters. Climate positive social platforms need to work with realities social platforms of past created.

It is important people get all the help they can get from the local & personal communities that actually matter during climate crisis, and that climate-positive, open social platforms exist to enable them in ways they need it most.

What are other ways social platforms can help with wellness?

I hope this helps. :smiley: